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Please use our details below if you require any information:
Saxon Agencies Pty Ltd
ABN 76 105 482 399
Phone: 02 9832 2700
Fax: 02 9832 2755
Sykes Water for Injection
This product is a sterile preparation of Water for Injection which contains no bacteriostatic, antimicrobial agent or added buffer, used to dilute or dissolve drugs for injection.
The soft-walled bottle has a cover protecting the rubber septum and an inversion ring for hanging.
*Prices listed are excluding GST
*Prices are subject to change without prior notice
Please use our details below if you require any information:
Saxon Agencies Pty Ltd
ABN 76 105 482 399
Phone: 02 9832 2700
Fax: 02 9832 2755